about CLAIRE
Claire is a Marketing Consultant based in Chicago specializing in helping small businesses tell their stories, grow their audiences, and reach their customers with engaging content. She also shares her life and interests with her audiences of over 11k humans on Instagram and 19k on TikTok as a content creator. As if having two jobs wasn't enough, she is also a Fine Jewelry Designer. Having worked in the jewelry industry for a decade and earned her AJP from the Gemological Institute of America, she has held every position from admin assistant and diamond runner to quality control and repairs, logistics manager, store manager, product coordinator, engagement ring designer, and marketing manager. Her line, Psyche Fine Jewelry, launched in 2021. She is known for her unwavering honesty, her collection of ceramic mugs, her addiction to loungewear, as well as her uncanny ability to forget why she walked into a room ten seconds after doing so.
She's glad you're here.